Meet The Team

Amy Jacobson
I received my 200 hour training under the Founder and previous owner, Misty Lamppa in 2018. I began teaching hot yoga right after graduation and eventually found my love of teaching Transcend Flow. I enjoy the variety, the freedom and the heat! Sculpt is a close second favorite to teach, I love the energy that class creates. I purchased the studio late August, 2022 and it's been such a joy to watch this community grow. I have enjoyed seeing new faces, welcoming back familiar faces and having daily interaction with the students as well as teachers. 180 Balance truly is one of a kind.

Liz Huesman
Liz is a lifelong learner and seeker of health. What started as a personal passion evolved into a second career in 2014. With instructor certifications from Yoga Alliance RYT200, NETA, and YOGABODY Trapeze Teacher Training she teaches at 180 balance Yoga Studio in Detroit Lakes, MN. Her Yoga classes bring the history of the asanas to life through stories, sequences, and song. Her smile and sense of humor puts every yogi at ease. One of her goals for students walking in the door is to celebrate the present moment where we've created space in our lives to take time for ourselves. Together we'll work to quiet the mind and enjoy moving with our breathe.

Alice Okeson
I have been a certified group fitness instructor since 2014 and a certified yoga sculpt instructor since 2019.
In my high school days I was a 3 sport athlete playing soccer, basketball, and softball. From there I went on to play softball at the collegian level. Physical fitness & being active is a huge part of who I am and what I believe in. Over the years this has evolved and developed into not only physical fitness but mental fitness/strength as well. I want those that attend my classes to feel empowered and know that they are capable of doing hard things!

Kelly Soyring
Bio Coming Soon!

Veronica Newcomer
Teaching since 2022. I love all classes at 180 but I gravitate toward high-energy/high-temp classes so I’m often at Transcend Flow and Hot Yoga. I'm also available for private instruction (1:1 or group) tailored to your preferences. Let’s connect!

Rozalyn Howery
Roz has certifications as a yoga instructor at the 200-hour, yoga-sculpt, and silver-sneaker levels. Roz and her family call Lake Park home. She has a Bachelor's in Health and Wellness and has a deep interest in nutrition, reading, and studying all aspects of how the human body functions. She is an animal lover with a long list of destinations to visit and a soft spot for all creatures great and small. Roz enjoys offering classes that are accessible to students of all levels by accommodating a wide range of physical abilities."In unison, we will tune in to the information our bodies are sending us about what they need, and we will let our breath and movement naturally feel good as they combine."
Favorite quote: Yoga- it's not a work out, it's a work in.

Arlene Brogen-Anderson
Arlene has a deep-rooted passion for fitness and health. She began taking yoga classes in 2014 to gain flexibility and discovered that yoga was a huge stress reliever and a great way to calm her mind. Arlene fell in love with the grace and beauty of the yoga practice and was inspired to attend yoga teacher training at 180balance in Detroit Lakes, MN to earn her RYT200 certification. In the months prior to teacher training, Arlene had torn her ACL and had undergone knee surgery to repair it. Yoga had a huge impact on her recovery. Due to her own injury, Arlene has an acute awareness of her students’ bodies and how they are reacting to the yoga postures. Arlene has a gift for helping students find modifications and adjustments that work with their body. She also has a gift for teaching deep stretching which she found was essential after taking classes at the DL Crossfit Gym. Her goal is to provide her students with a judgement-free space to explore and grow their yoga practice.

Diane Lanoue
Hi! I’m Diane, your gentle + restore guide here at the studio. My journey with yoga started in my early 20’s, with a little dabble here and there in the practice. But it wasn’t until I was deeply lost in my infertility journey that it became more of a spiritual outlet for me. I remember coming to 180 Balance for the first time back in 2019 and thinking to myself, “man, this place feels like home.” Who knew years later that home feeling would bring on a whole new chapter for me as an instructor. Funny how life works out. My hope for these classes I offer is to guide you into truly listening to your body, tuning inward, slowing down to recharge your body, mind and soul, and to just give yourself the rest we all so deeply deserve and need. Along with my 200hr YTT, I am a Usui/Holy Fire III, Reiki Master . I consider myself a Lightworker, I truly want the best for people so I encourage where I can to plant those little seeds to guide you in your own healing journey.

Sheila Welle
I love how yoga practice is really a journey home to our True Self, the Divine. To paraphrase Judith Hanson Lasater, “The asanas, breathing techniques, the meditation and other limbs are not the yoga. They are the practices that point us in a direction where you are more likely to make your home way to your True Self.” Ultimately yoga is an internal practice that can change how you move in the world.
I am trained in Yoga Trapeze through YB and teach those classes at the DLCCC. In 2018 I took my 230 hour training through Devanadi Studio in Minneapolis. It opened my eyes and heart to all these rich teachings and practices. Now I geek out on the Koshas, Vayus, Doshas, Yamas, Niyamas, anything related to this beautiful spiritual practice and try to share what I learn in my classes. I believe in the power of a long, nourishing Savasana and try to offer that gift to my students. It’s challenging to lie in stillness and silence but also so rewarding and necessary. When we are nourished individuals, we live our yoga off our mats and somehow that transforms the world. Peace and Love on your Journey!

Amanda Eidenschink
My yoga journey began when I was looking for a way to soothe my nervous system and learn more about the mental health benefits of yoga. From my very first class I was already in love with the practice of yoga and just knew I’d love the honor to share this practice with others. I’ve found yoga to be one of the many modalities of medicine for my mental health and my goal as a teacher is to share my experience and make yoga more accessible to anyone – yogis come in all shapes, sizes, and walks of life. I’m passionate about the immense benefits of breathwork, chanting, and meditation – Kundalini & relaxing yoga classes are my current favorite to teach.

Leah Conboy
Hi! I'm Leah. I wear a lot of hats. Along with being a yoga teacher, I'm a mother of 3 incredible humans, and 3 amazing fur babies. I'm a wife, a daughter, a sister, a holistic health practitioner, nature nerd, introvert, highly sensitive person, intuitive psychic empath, lover of naps, old soul, and lifelong soul searcher dedicated to the service of individual healing as a means of healing the collective. I believe we are one. Period. And it is within my yoga practice that this all began to make sense.
We're conditioned in this fast paced life to keep ourselves occupied to the extent that our only connection to spirit is in the hours of our sleep, which we often struggle to find and easily forget. Over time, in the practice of moving my body with intention on my mat, I found that it was a means of not necessarily quieting my mind, but coming into a flow state where I could truly observe its thought patterns and shift them accordingly to serve my highest good and purpose.
My favorite yoga quote comes from the Bhagavad Gita and states, "yoga is a journey of the self, through the self, to the self." This beautifully summarizes the practice of yoga in my eyes. I too was someone who viewed yoga as merely a means of "gentle" exercise - until I realized it wasn't.
I've been a lifelong sufferer of various mental health struggles to include anxiety and depression. Yoga was the gateway to a path that helped me better understand myself and the GIFTS I'd been given in these "conditions" I'd previously viewed only as a curse.
My passion in my teaching practice is to truly meet each student where they are not only in the physical body but also in the space of the heart and mind. When we can get in touch with our inner workings and facilitate more love and acceptance for all that we are, the physical body naturally follows suit. I have so much love for each and every student I've encountered and have yet to meet, as they are just as much of a teacher to me as I am to them.

Stacy Pontinen
Hi! My name is Stacy and I am so honored to share my story and life's purpose with you. I have practiced yoga since 2018 and completed my 200 Yoga Teacher Training in May of 2022. I have a passion and calling for the practice and teachings of Yoga Nidra, Kundalini and creating an experience where yogis can feel held, safe and loved.
My yoga journey began with the hopes of finding mental clarity and guidance. To my surprise, like many others, I found a purpose and true calling that aligned with my soul. I am here to provide support, compassion, empathy and space to those that are in need of it.

Jamie Reyes
Bio Coming Soon!

Meaghan Rowcliffe
Bio Coming Soon!

Bobbi Koons
Hello, my name is Bobbi Koons. I have been practicing yoga off and on since 2008, and took the leap of completing my 200 YTT through The Kaivalya Yoga Method Academy Program in May 2023. Since completing training, I helped teach yoga for the DLHS Speed and Strength program. The very first class that I taught, happened to be Puppy Yoga- out at CrossFit Detroit Lakes and that experience could not have been more perfect as I love dogs! I have also taught goat yoga and helped out at Tumbleweed Barn and have enjoyed each and every moment of teaching. The biggest reason that I went back to complete my certification is to enhance my ability in what I offer for students as a coach (Diving & Swimming) and be a resource for other sport programs and areas within our local community. My life is crazy, busy, and full- that is how I like it! I have been a nurse since 2002 and a coach with the Detroit Lakes High School since 2005. I am so excited to be able to teach in the studio that I learned to love yoga in as this place and its people have truly helped to shape my journey in yoga.

Tristin Ortiz
Hey hey heyyy! I’m Tristin. Wife and Mama to 4 littles, who keep my husband and I on our toes. I have been lucky enough to stay home with them and not miss a milestone. They're busy which in turn means I'm busier. It wasn’t until 2023 I started taking Yoga Sculpt classes more regularly to come out of the busy and back to me.
Movement has a beautiful way of letting you pour your good, bad & everything in between energy into those short 60 minutes and turn it into sweaty magic.
Long story short I was HOOKED and became certified to instruct Yoga Sculpt December of 2023.
The upbeat music, mixture of yoga-weights-cardio and the overall energy coming from those who attend the classes is what kept me craving more! I hope I can give those who attend my classes a sense of that energy!
Can’t wait to sweat with you!

Brandi Schlauderaff
Hi! I’m Brandi. I’ve been a fellow yogi mat neighbor to most of you for years and decided (after Amy telling me) that I should do the sculpt teacher training. And of course I loved it! I have a passion for fitness and weight training and used to lead classes at a gym and missed it dearly. Yoga is so much more than stretching and I love that I get to lead others on their strength journey. Most of my free time is spent chasing my 2 boys around, Hank who is 15 and Sam who is 12. Hockey, mountain bike racing, baseball, you name it! They keep me on my toes! I’m so excited for this next journey!

Wendy Pearson
Hi there! My name is Wendy and I am a mother to three amazing children who are the greatest blessings in my life. I started practicing yoga in 2010 when a local dance studio instructor recommended that I try her class. I instantly fell in love with the practice. I graduated from Devanadi Yoga as a RYT-200 in 2014, and as a RYT-500 in 2024. I am continuing to study with Devanadi in 2025 and learn Thai Yoga Bodywork and Reiki. I have great respect and reverence for the wisdom of this ancient and beautiful practice. Yoga has been transformative for me on many levels, especially as a person who is proudly in recovery. All things yoga fascinate me! Pranayama, mudra, asana, and chanting mantras are all a part of my personal practice. I am a world traveler, a featured sticker artist at Burning Man in 2022, and an occasional skydiver. I love art, nature, reading, and going to the beach with my kids. Hari Om!

Jessi Lotzer
In 2016 a good friend talked me into attending a hot yoga class. I laughed with the “whatever” mindset. Needless to say, I showed up and my friend didn’t. I continued to show up and tried all the classes at 180 landing with a hard love for sculpt and quickly became a sculpt junkie. While my roll has slowed, like really really slowed, I still have a love hate for sculpt and enjoy watching students form that same love hate relationship with sculpt while finding a way to incorporate all the other amazing classes the studio has to offer.
When I’m not cheering my two kids (23 & 13) on in all things life with the hubs, I’m enjoying all things lake life in Vergas on Long Lake. Away from the mat I take pride in helping people bring their real estate dreams come to life as an agent with Counselor Realty in Detroit Lakes. I look forward to sculpting with you; finding strength, flexibility, and peace within with a couple of choice words mixed in. IYKYK
I can’t wait to sculpt with you!

Kristal Kadrie
My name is kristal kadrie and I teach yoga classes both at the dlccc and sub here at 180 balance. I am a 500 hour certified yoga instructor. My 200 certification is from the yoga loft in willmar, Minnesota in 2013. My primary focus was classical ashtanga yoga. My 300 certification is from Devandi yoga in 2015. This training is tantric based yoga and focused more on the outer limbs of yoga. I also received my Ayurvedic yoga specialist certification through the Himalayan institute as part of my certification. I love to teach a ashtanga yoga in the middle of winter to the beginning of spring. I offer various workshops to include topics on Ayurveda, breath work, meditation, yoga nidra, basic yoga movements and alignment for certain poses.
My other work involves working with the State of Minnesota specifically in Clay and Becker county treatment courts, which is a fulfilling position.
My hobbies include staying active outside and at the gym, biking around the lake, ballooning, reading, and cooking.
I’ve had a lake place on Detroit lakes since I was a child, and have many fond memories of the summers in Detroit lakes including kiddie land, going down the water slide and the infamous log at the public beach. I have made Detroit lakes my permanent home since 2017. This community is amazing and I look forward to practicing and teaching for you in the future.